Our climate goals

Humlegården’s overarching goal is to ensure long-term, sustainable profitability for our owners. Success in this area requires efficient processes for acquiring, managing and developing property and urban environments. Another key element is sustainability, which should be a characteristic of all our activities.

Long-term approach as a benchmark

Being a long-term property owner, we have the opportunity to work with and influence many aspects of sustainability, such as energy sources and use, choice of materials, waste management, transport and the work environment for customers, employees and suppliers. Our long-term goals are to be climate-neutral by 2045 and reduce our energy use by 32% by 2030.

How do we get there?

  • By 2030, reduce Scope 1, 2 & 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% compared to 2019 
  • By 2030, reduce energy use by 32% compared to 2019
  • By 2030, carry out all major renovations and new construction projects according to our circular principles

Our climate goals are validated according to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Sustainability strategy

Sustainable development has become an increasingly critical factor for success in business and we, like everyone else in society, need to do our bit in this area. We recognise that we need to take the initiative to be resource-efficient, climate-smart and innovative. Combined with our long-term goals, these insights have formed the basis of Humlegården’s sustainability strategy.

The strategy consists of four focal areas: partnerships, properties, urban environments and employees. We are very ambitious in each area. Humlegården’s sustainability strategy is based on three basic principles that are to characterise all our sustainability work, regardless of focal area: Laying foundations, Limiting impact and Driving development. We have also clarified the link between our long-term goals and sustainability strategy focal areas and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The next step is to implement the goals in our daily operations, so that we can set targets and follow up on our efforts to help achieve the SDGs.