Green Finance

Humlegården's long-term goal is to be climate neutral by 2045. The climate goal means that we will halve greenhouse gas (CO2e) emissions by 2030, in accordance with Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) including Scope 1–3. These ambitious goals require measures in both day-to-day property management and in new constructions and tenant improvements. In the autumn of 2022, Humlegården's climate goals were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. Humlegården's goal is for all financing to be green or sustainability- linked. In December 2022, Humlegården signed the company's first sustainability-linked loan commitment, which means that the company will have access to better financing terms if targets for climate impact and energy efficiency are achieved.

Presentation - Green Finance (in swedish)

Green financing is to be allocated to projects and assets such as green and energy-efficient buildings, but also investments in energy efficiency measures and renewable energy. This is a responsible form of financing that is in line with our sustainability strategy. In June 2017, Humlegården issued its first green bond. Since then, the company has issued SEK 7 billion in green bonds and raised SEK 4 billion in green loans.

The new framework was reviewed by the Centre for International Climate Research (CICERO), which issued a second opinion with the rating “Strong medium green” regarding the green terms and “Excellent” regarding governance. Handelsbanken served as advisor in developing the new framework.

The framework includes, for example, terms for allocating green financing as well as monitoring and reporting to lenders and investors.

Click here to read more about our green framework.


Green financing 2024-06-30
Total        18 134
Minus, existing debt  
Green bankloans           3 600
Green bonds            5 864
Green certificates              198
Remaining green loan space, mkr           8 472
Sustainability linked loans  
Subscription commitment (unutilized)           2 100
Bankloans (unutilized credit commitments)           2 040
Sustainability linked bond           1 000
RCF            1 100


Documents (in Swedish)
Green financing framework
Humlegården Finance Second Opinion
Investor Report 2023
Investor Report 2022
Investor Report 2021
Humlegården Kapitalmarknadspresentation 190927
Investerarrapport 2018
Investerarrapport 2017
Grundprospekt 2020


Nasdaq Stockholm

Follow our greeen bonds at Nasdaq Stockholm Sustainable Bonds List.