Humlegården Fastigheter AB issues green bonds

Pressmeddelande den 21 juni 2017:

Humlegården Fastigheter AB (Publ) has issued green bonds under the company’s newly established green framework and MTN programme. The initial issue amounted to SEK 1,250 million with a tenor of five years.

The MTN programme has a facility amount of SEK 4,000 million, and on Thursday, 15 June 2017, Humlegården carried out its first issue of SEK 1,250 million.

“Sustainability work is a key question for a long-term property owner like Humlegården, and we are pleased to be able to offer the opportunity of investing in projects which have a clear sustainability profile,” says Anneli Jansson, Chief Executive of Humlegården.

Using green bonds, Humlegården finances projects such as environmentally certified properties and initiatives which result in energy efficiency measures or promote the use of renewable energy. Humlegården’s ambition is for all new production to be certified with the highest possible environmental classification. One example of this is the Grow office building in Solna strand just outside Stockholm, which is currently under construction. The goal is to achieve “Miljöbyggnad Guld”.

The green framework and MTN programme have been set up in collaboration with Handelsbanken, which also lead managed the first issue, in which 21 investors decided to participate. Humlegården is aiming to list the bond on the Nasdaq Stockholm Sustainable Bonds List. Handelsbanken, SEB and Swedbank are issuing agents in the programme. Second Opinion has been provided by Cicero. The law firm of Lindahls has acted as legal advisor.

More information about the green bonds can be found at

The following investors participated in the first issue:

Agenta Investment Management AB
Akademiinvest AB
Alfred Berg Fonder AB
Carnegie Fonder AB
Cicero Fonder AB
Handelsbanken Asset Management
HSB Garantifond
If P&C Insurance AS
Länsförsäkringar Västernorrland
Midroc Finans AB
Monyx Financial Group AB
Quesada Kapitalförvaltning AB
SEB Investment Management AB
Stockholms Stads Donationsstiftelse
Storebrand/SPP AM
Strand Kapital
Swedbank Robur AB
Öhman Fonder
Öhman Wealth Management

If you have any questions, please contact:

Anneli Jansson, Chief Executive, Humlegården Fastigheter AB
Tel:+46(0)8-678 92 01

Rebecka Yrlid, Head of Sustainability, Humlegården Properties AB
Tel:+46(0)8-678 92 89

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